So I have been taking a little bit of time to revisit some of my images from the past several months, editing some again, and editing some for the first time. (Hey they are pictures of me, so I don’t always have the time with everything else to edit my own photos ha ha) These are some of my favorite images from when I was pregnant. I have had a lull with everything lately so I pulled out some of my images to play with them. I really miss the warmer months already, I love the lush greens of summer, the warmth, Birds chirping, the smell of fresh cut grass, sitting outside on a warm summer evening listening to nature. I have more time during the summer with the kids home to do fun shoots with them though I have a little more time to edit when the older 2 are in school ha ha so it’s always a trade off.
Taking the time to do my maternity photos was very important to me, as this may be my last little bundle. I now get the chance to look back at all of the images I took and see the miracle that is life, I am sitting her looking at my little guy who is 4 1/2 months old already and I sometimes miss being preggo with him, not because he is a handful (he’s not, he’s a pure joy and happy happy baby) But time is flying by, and I want to hit the pause button and have more time enjoying all of my kids at these ages, young and happy, all too soon they will be grown and leaving out on their own.
For now though I can look back on the photos and memories and smile. They will always be treasured to me, I get to print these and put them in my little boys scrapbook, make larger prints to hang on the walls, or share on social media with all of my friends and family! I get to take all the photos of my kids and put them in their scrapbooks that they love to pull out and look through all the time (I get asked almost weekly if they can look at their scrapbooks) They love the memories just as much as I do, and one day these albums will be theirs and they can show them to their own kids, and they will be passed down for generations. I cherish knowing that they will be around for a while as I do not have enough photos of my grandparents when they were young, but I have taken photos for as long as I can remember so that I would always have those memories. Having quality photos is very important to me. we all have smart phones now and take tons of photos on them everyday, but fail to have many printed, make sure to take the time to have prints made, there really is nothing like flipping through a scrapbook with photos instead of just swiping a screen.
~~Go, Do, Be Inspired